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Posted. 29 October 2018

As part of your daily life, your vehicle is often seen as an extension of your personality. Therefore the appearance of your vehicle is of importance. A connection is made between your car and yourself, with people you know associating your car with you being present.

So, what’s the problem?

You might be wondering what it actually is that causes the fogging and yellowing of your headlights. Well, this discolouration is actually caused by exposure to the elements, whereby ultraviolet rays from the sun bleach and break down the coating that was applied on the outside of headlight lenses when manufactured. This fogging can be amplified in counties with very hot climates that experience a lot of sun throughout the year. This fogging is not only annoying, but it can also be dangerous. The yellow fogging can build up over time, acting as a barrier for the light to pass through, which can greatly reduce light output and, as a result, visibility on the road - especially at night.

This fogging surprisingly isn’t as much of a problem on older vehicles as it is in new models. This is a result of newer car headlights being made out of strong polymers and plastics rather than the glass used in vintage models, which doesn’t suffer from this problem as much.

How can fogging be prevented then?

We are firm believers in preventing the problem before you are forced to fix it, and when it comes to foggy headlights, prevention is far easier than fixing! However, there are lots of ways to prevent this from happening, as well as repairing the headlights if they do need more intense treatment.

One of the most effective ways to prevent this from happening to your headlights is easier then you might think - simply park your vehicle under cover, or in shade, with the headlights facing away from direct sunlight. This will dramatically decrease the chance of fogging; however, this isn’t always the most practical prevention method. Another more feasible approach would be to buy a sealant that is used in the manufacturing process, this will restore the ultraviolet coating that has worn away from your headlight.

The final prevention method is the easiest of all, simply keep your car clean. This might sound cliche, but small particulates acquired while driving can increase the speed of oxidation.

Can I repair it myself?

If your headlights are past prevention and further action is needed, then the best option would be to contact a professional. Fixing of headlights will be very routine and shouldn’t have you breaking the bank. The process itself will involve removal of the headlight, but only in extreme cases will a brand new headlight be needed. Either way, the process is very quick and simple, and shouldn’t take too long. If you prefer the good old DIY method then specialist products and kits are available for repairing foggy lenses, and can be found in abundance online and in some stores.

The fixing process

Firstly, before beginning, make sure to wear suitable safety wear such as safety glasses, as small particles can become airborne. Begin by removing the foggy, yellow layer with sandpaper, this removes the coating from the factory. This process will need to be done in stages, working from coarse to very fine, as well as wet sandpaper, before polishing the headlights. Next you will need to coat the headlight in UV resistant sealant; not reapplying will result in re-fogging in an even shorter timeframe, so ensure the job is completed efficiently.

Now you are all set to head out on the open road, free from those pesky fogged headlights. Plus, if you are looking for a comprehensive and luxurious detailing package to suit you and your car’s cleaning needs, and to help ensure that niggling issues don’t arise, then head over to our services page and see how we can help you.